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Short Bio:

Dilshad is a Feminine Power Recovery Advocate and Intuitive Guide who works to liberate women energetically from forces seen and unseen, known and unknown - forces that keep women stuck, frustrated, small, and confused. She helps them settle into the clarity of truth, their intuition, and their life purpose.

Other Works:

Dilshad is also a Ritual Hostess, Sacred Adornment Designer, Medicine Maker.


Dilshad is a trained life coach and a trained intuitive guide with real case feedback

Dilshad’s Purpose and Mission:

She is champion of mature spirituality and an advocate for the feminine in all aspects of life. She matured into the spiritual field through a series of traumatic encounters with false spirituality. Her mission is to uphold and protect Life - Life with a capital L.

Dilshad Mehta Divine Feminine

topics about fake spirituality/self-development

  • False/fake spiritual teachers and how to identify them

  • Toxic spirituality

  • Infantilizing and placating marketed as therapy/spirituality

  • Cruelty, guilting, shaming marketed as spirituality

  • Is it patriarchy or is it spirituality?

  • Is it colonialism or is it spirituality?

  • Is it white washing or is it spirituality?

  • What is spirituality really about?

  • How does spirituality differ from religion?

  • Why is practicality shunned in spirituality?

topics about the Feminine

  • Immanence vs transcendence

  • what is the feminine?

  • why we need goddess work and why we don’t need it

  • why we resist the feminine

  • ADHD, women, & spirituality

  • Abortion Protects The Feminine

  • Dragonfly Medicine for Our Feminine - Dragonfly over Butterfly Symbolism

  • Healing the feminine heart with a dog companion

  • Sensuality is a requirement for the feminine to prosper

  • The feminine needs release work

topics about other niche areas

  • The victim archetype

  • The beggar archetype

  • The damsel archetype

  • Introjection as a spiritual wound

  • Empaths and introjection

  • Nomad Life and It’s Spiritual Implications

  • Living in Sedona

  • The end of the spiritual seeker

topics about specific practices

  • tarot/oracle readings

  • energy clearing, banishing, releasing

  • plants and herbal medicine

  • channeling/communing

  • the chakra system

  • altar

  • ritual

  • working with deities, angels, etc

  • goddess work

  • annointing

Dilshad Mehta sacred feminine

next steps

Please email me at with:

  1. your favorite podcast episode from your show. The episodes give me a good sense to know your style and your expectations.

    • if this is an event, send me past event recordings or the event agenda

    • if this is a social media live, send me a past social media live you enjoyed doing

  2. 3 options for times to meet. I’m in Arizona Timezone - Sedona, AZ, USA.

I look forward to hearing from you soon!

With respect,
