Healing Ancestral Wounds - Break the Cycle Ritual: Samhain, Mehregan
If you’ve ever felt like you have this cloud hanging over you that is older than you, larger than just your life, & deeper than just your awareness....this is the ritual for you.
You will be the agent that breaks a cycle for your entire family line past, present, future, dimensional, or otherwise.
ritual outline
Opening Ceremony
Journal Questions - Mental Processing
Meditation To Receive Ancestral Wisdom - Spiritual, Emotional, Physical Processing
Journal Questions - Mental Processing
Individual Intuitive Readings from me - messages from each ritual attendee’s ancestral team - Spiritual Processing
Individual Energy Clearings from me - clearing the identified ancestral wounds - Emotional & Spiritual Processing
Closing Ceremony

This is the ritual aid table. This table has place settings for homemade hot cups of chai and sacred oil anointing. I gathered a special blend of sacred plants from my area and brewed the oil for 6 weeks to make this sacred oil.

This is the Ritual Altar before everyone arrived. The crystals were for anyone who needed them to hold during their deep meditation. The flower of life sacred geometry symbolized the great cosmic net we were tapping into. A sacred oil lamp to symbolize a lighting of the way. Stargazer lillies seemed to be appropriate for the ritual we were about to do. After everyone arrived we placed pictures of our ancestors, and sacred talismans on the table.